Dear friends –
For our staff devotion this week, Caryn brought a quote from Neal Maxwell: “ We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.” In this week of gratitude when we’re thankful for family and friends and reminded of our many blessings, I wonder how you are making your blessings count?
At River Glen, we are abundantly blessed, and I’m thankful for the ways we seek to bless others in return. Thankful for our building, we seek to share it with scouts and musicians and other congregations and the community. Thankful for our financial well-being, we seek to share that with others through mission giving and supporting community partnerships. Thankful for our community, we seek to be a place of invitation and hospitality. We are indeed blessed – may we always seek also to make those blessings count.
One day belated, but Happy Thanksgiving. It’s really always in season.
Grace and peace,