The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. —Psalm 24:1
The Lord God put the man in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it. —Genesis 2:15
River Glen was certified as an Earth Care Congregation in 2014 and we continue our annual re-certification. When the “Green Team” completes the required annual Earth Care Congregation re-certification audit, River Glen always has many times the total required points in worship, education, facilities and outreach. We submit everything electronically, and River Glen is now officially recertified each year as an Earth Care Congregation.
River Glen has long been actively caring for God’s Creation –the Earth. The outstanding work by the Building and Grounds Team is making our facilities earth-friendly, ultimately saving money, as well. The Stewardship Team emphasis on year-round stewardship includes Earth Stewardship Sunday. In 2015, our seventh celebration with an Earth Care theme was highlighted by the Children’s Musical, Back at the Creekbank, with an environmental focus.
We celebrate our commitment to Earth Care and Earth Stewardship and encourage other churches and individuals to improve their Earth Care. Our plans to care for God’s creation include a community garden next to the church; continuing to make our facilities earth-friendly; ongoing recycling, education, and outreach in Earth Care. Big Splash, our annual church retreat weekend at Covenant Harbor in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, involves attendees in Earth Care in many ways. Therefore, we celebrate and continue our good Earth Care.
Here are some of the specific ways that we are putting our values to work corporately:
Increasing our understanding of the issues.
Devoting regular worship days to earth care concerns.
Teaching modules on earth care presented to various ages.
Modifying our facilities.
Efficient furnace and air conditioning units.
Installing high-efficiency light bulbs throughout the building.
Establishing a remote climate control system.
Participating in recycling, with a member taking recyclable material home for city recycling.
Deepening connection to the earth.
Having several outdoor worship/celebration events to deepen the connection to nature.
Maintaining a prayer garden and a community garden on church grounds.
Adding an additional bike rack and encouraging people to come to church occasionally on their bikes—or to walk or carpool when possible.
We do this in part to model for all of us how we might put our earth care values into practice too. We have much to celebrate, as well as many opportunities to continue and expand our care of God’s Creation.
Follow the link below for more information.
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” (Psalm 24:1)
Please support River Glen’s recycling efforts by:
Putting bulletins and paper in the basket outside Worship Center.
Placing other paper in RECYCLING containers, not in the trash.
Place ONLY plastics & glass in BLUE Recycling containers.
Put all trash in WHITE and other trash containers.
Urge non-readers—and others—to use the right containers.
Reuse and Recycle at home and elsewhere.
Let’s Help River Glen “Go Green”!
Earth Stewardship Sunday
We are proud to be an Earth Care congregation!
In recognition of our commitment to care for God’s creation, the Earth, our home, many of us walk, bike, or carpool to church. Some have come to River Glen by kayak or even by horseback. On earth Stewardship Sunday, we even go paperless with no bulletin or written announcements in worship that week!
Earth Stewardship Sunday is typically in May. Please check out our events to find our specifics.