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River Glen Session

A Word From Your Session -Nov 10,2023

The Session has called a Special Meeting of the Congregation for this Sunday, November 12 following worship. The purpose is to present the slate of candidates and elect the next classes of our Elders and Deacons.

The nominating committee is very excited to announce

the following candidates:


Rachel Hume, Dan Henriksen,Terry Moore, Jacob Lamen


Rena Strahorn, Tom Ekin

Nominating Team:

Lois Leadley, Caron Lamen

All positions are accounted for and we are grateful to God for calling all of these people to leadership at River Glen. Please note that the Board of Deacons has agreed to have a total of 7 members moving forward, instead of 9 as in years past due to our ever changing congregational needs.

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