Dear friends –
We are continuing our theme of flexibility. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, who was a leader in very turbulent times in South Africa, once spoke in a lecture that our call in the Spirit is to always remain supple – to learn to bend without breaking. As we enter into another phase of Pandemic, my prayer is that you will be gentle with yourselves and your neighbors – we continue to have a variety of opinions and emotions are on alert. Let us remain supple.
In that spirit, we have a few changes in upcoming worship. We are aware that some of these changes are more beneficial to some than others, so please be supple with us.
August 22: outdoor worship. We know outside feels better than inside for some, so weather-permitting, we’re hoping for one outdoor worship service a month for August, September, and October. We have found trying to live-stream outdoor worship with the traffic is really more frustrating for those at home than it is beneficial, so we invite you to grab a chair and come on over, or choose a favorite online service and enjoy a re-run of one you’ve missed.
August 29: no worship on site - prerecorded worship on YouTube. Remember not so long ago when we had only pre-recorded worship rather than live-streaming from the worship center? On August 29, we’ll flashback, and be only at home. Our theme is BE the LIGHT. Some folks will be shining their light up in Lake Geneva for Big Splash; others will be at home sharing light together on YouTube.
All times will remain at 10:30 – September 5, the Lord willing, we will be back to live-streaming from the Sanctuary. We thank you ahead of time for your flexibility and patience in these strange times. Continued prayers!
Grace and peace,