Dear friends -
After four years of great ministry at River Glen, our Children and Family Ministries Director Megan Elder has turned in her resignation for mid-summer. Megan joined us at a big transition time at River Glen, moving from a full-time associate pastor into quarter time youth and children's ministry director positions. In the midst of some question marks of what that would look like, Megan came to us with great ideas, experience, and a giant heart for kids. She has been a thoughtful and caring colleague and an important part of the River Glen team as well as a significant mentor and teacher for our kids - thanks be to God for her ministry.
We'll keep you posted on how we'll officially celebrate before she transitions off staff in mid-July. In the meantime, keep the personnel team and the next person God is already at work in for our next Children and Family Ministries Director as we figure out next steps in posting the position and interviewing candidates.
In Christ,