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  • Writer's picturePastor Jess Scholten

Pastor's Pondering - February 19, 2021

Dear friends –

Lent is typically a time where we specifically choose practices that remind us of our mortality, that narrow our usual parameters so that there is more space for God, letting go of pleasures of the world in order to store up more treasure in heaven. Well, guess what? After 11 months of pandemic, that sounds like a TERRIBLE IDEA. Our lives have already been narrowed, and we’ve had more than enough information about our mortality. Daily devotionals that might normally be meaningful reminders of faith might be, dare I say, too much of a drag these days. In that Spirit, a colleague, the Rev. Christa Brewer, along with another Presbyterian pastor, the Rev. Barrett Ingram, have compiled daily Scriptures for Lent that are Words of Life and Restoration – words we need these days. Each day, a graphic and the verses themselves will be posted to facebook and the social media section of the website homepage (scroll down a bit, and you’ll see it). This will serve as our daily devotional during Lent including week-long studies in Living Water, Hope, Peace, and the I Am statements of Jesus. May you be blessed with these daily readings.

Grace and peace,


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