Dear friends -
This week, our new Executive Presbyter, the Rev. Craig Howard, reflected in our Presbytery newsletter about his discernment process into ministry. He asked a mentor of his how he would know if a church was healthy or not. "Without hesitation, he responded, 'See how much of their budget they are spending on mission. Spending on mission is the key.'"
After our celebratory congregational meeting last Sunday, I'm especially grateful to serve a place where mission giving is a priority. I dusted off the basic algebra corner of my brain and calculated that 17% of our budget is direct mission giving (a picture is worth a thousand words - and then you can check my math). Some of that is in funds, which the deacons are working hard to distribute as well, so we are making Jesus known in many ways. In the gloomy days of winter, this fills me with joy. Thank you for your faithful giving; and thanks to Robert who is a faithful steward of our funds, and the Deacons and Serving Outside Our Doors teams who are also faithful stewards. We are blessed to be a blessing!
By the way, if you missed the meeting, you missed our annual report: video version. Check it out here: Video Annual Report
Grace and peace,