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Pastor's Pondering - July 17, 2020

Writer's picture: Pastor Jess ScholtenPastor Jess Scholten

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

Dear friends –

Let's talk spiritual formation. Spiritual formation is how you are being formed more fully into Christ - to embody what it is that Jesus is calling you to do. Part of that spiritual formation is participating in a faith community. Good job! But another part is what you do while you're apart from that community. This is where our faith builds muscles.

We’re all at different places emotionally – all the time, but most acutely now, but each day we can all do one thing that improves life for someone else. Some of you are doing many, many things (we see you, parents, teachers, nurses, and caregivers J), but some of you are experiencing a listlessness of the doldrums, floating along in the hot sun without any wind in your sail to move you forward.

It is time to get out a paddle and get your boat moving at least a little bit each day. Because our faith is about caring for each other, helping to lift each other up, and supporting those who are doing that important work. In what way will you be more deeply formed into Jesus today?

Grace and peace,


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