Here are the Top 5 highlights from the Session meeting on Tuesday night. Feel free to contact the Session members listed below with any questions.
The Session has called a Special Meeting of the Congregation of River Glen for Sunday, November 12. The purpose is to present the slate of candidates and elect the next classes of Elders, Deacons, and Nominating Committee members. They will also update us on the timing of our Installed Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), which will occur 6-12 months after we hire a Transitional Pastor.
The Transitional Pastor Search team proposed hiring a Gap/Bridge Pastor while they continue their search for a qualified candidate. They are working through the details of a 3-month contract with a candidate who will provide consistency of preaching, managing our staff, providing pastoral care, and some other tasks TBD. Watch for more to come once the contract is finalized.
Budget preparation has begun! The Finance team recently sent a template with guidance for the 2024 General Fund and Building Fund budgets to all ministry and support teams. The initial submission from teams is due back to Tom Barto, Finance Committee Chair, by October 15th. Contact Tom with any questions.
2023 Annual Reports are also needed...but with a new format! Yes, we are reducing the lengthy report to just your team’s Top 5 highlights (much like what Session has been doing this year). The request will come from the church office later in October with submissions due back in December so that staff can prepare the consolidated report for our February congregational Meeting.
The next Quarterly Leadership Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14. Chairpersons, moderators, staff, and Session members should plan to attend (or send an alternate representative) to report on their team’s plans for the next season.
2023 Session: Tom Barto, Bob Carr, Brian Gilbert, Rich Gorecki, Paula Hebert, Bill King,
Christy Palangattil, Kalina Waszak.