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A Word From Your Session-June 30, 2023

River Glen Session

We hope you are finding these updates from Session (your Board of Elders) an informative and timely way to keep you up-to-date throughout our journey toward a new Pastor. Please direct your questions on these and other topics to members of the Session.

Here are the top five highlights of our Session meeting this week.

  • MDP Approved: Session approved the Missional Discernment Profile (MDP) prepared by the Search Team for a Transitional Pastor (no longer called an Interim Pastor). The approved MDP, which is essentially a job description plus narratives about our requirements and ministries, is the new name for the Ministry Information Form (MIF). The MDP now goes to the Chicago Presbytery for review and activation in a new matching system called the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) which matches our MDP with the Personal Discernment Profiles (PDPs) of potential candidates within the entire PC(USA) network. We will then receive a batch of PDPs of candidates to review and select for interviews, hopefully in early July. Once hired, the Transitional Pastor will lead us through a period of discernment, prayer, and reflection that will help Session and the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) choose our next Installed Pastor.

  • Great Turnout for Yuhllin Picnic: We enjoyed a fantastic meal last Sunday with our brothers and sisters from the Yuhllin Korean Church. A big THANK YOU to our hosts for the great meal (which was moved indoors due to the weather) and to all those who showed up to represent our congregation. We hope to have more inter-congregation gatherings in the future.

  • Progress on Replacement Sign: So far, we’ve received $10,880 in pledges toward the $52,000 to replace our failing outdoor sign. As previously reported, Session has agreed to use Memorial funds once we received $30,000 in pledges. Please prayerfully consider a pledge in addition to maintaining your general and building fund contributions.

  • ALTA Meetings will return: We will reinstitute a quarterly gathering of teams starting in August to improve the communication and cohesiveness of our ministry and support teams. Please send us your ideas for a new name for the previous All Leadership Team Assembly (ALTA) that we hope will inspire teams to attend and share their plans for the upcoming season. These meetings stopped during COVID so mark your calendar for August 15th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and watch for more details to follow.

  • New Process for Session Meetings - Our appointed Moderator, the Reverend Susan Tindall, is leading us through a new way of running our Session meetings using an Omnibus Approval process. Omnibus approval (meaning a consolidated/standing approval given by a Committee for reports and transactions which are repetitive in nature) should help us become more effective in our meetings and in line with how other congregations handle Session meetings.

2023 Session: Tom Barto, Bob Carr, Brian Gilbert, Rich Gorecki, Paula Hebert, Bill King, Christy Palangattil, Kalina Waszak.

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