Many of you have heard the news that Len Bogacki, our Youth Ministry Director, has decided to resign from this position since his full-time job is requiring more of his time recently and he could no longer do both jobs effectively. We want to publicly thank Len for his years of service to our youth group. We’re also thrilled that he and Nicole will continue to be part of the Worship Team and continue to worship with us at River Glen.
As with any change though, comes an opportunity.
Over the last year, our Personnel team has been searching for a new Children’s Ministry Director with little success. Given Len’s decision, Personnel and Session worked together on a proposal to combine the Children and Youth Directors into one half-time role that we believe will be more attractive to potential candidates than those two separate quarter-time roles. We hope to post that position soon and begin reviewing potential candidates to fill this new position before the church school year begins.
In the meantime, Pastor Barbara Carmichael is leading a wonderful team working on the Summer Servants inter-generational gatherings on Wednesday evenings that will run through August that will be followed by a kick-off event for the fall season. We hope you will join those gatherings.
Additionally, this summer, we're offering the children opportunities to learn and be creative together downstairs on Sunday mornings during the sermon. This new program is going really well and the children and teachers are both enjoying it!
Please make sure to let Len know how much you have appreciated him and his work with our youth over the years. Please also keep supporting and encouraging our children and youth volunteers and parents. We will keep you posted on our progress of filling this Children and Youth position, along with the work of our search team for the Transitional Pastor that will lead up to calling an Installed Pastor.
If you have questions on these or other topics during this transition period, please direct them to any Session member.
2023 Session: Tom Barto, Bob Carr, Brian Gilbert, Rich Gorecki, Paula Hebert, Bill King,
Christy Palangattil, Kalina Waszak.