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A Word From Your Session-Aug 25, 2023

River Glen Session

Your Board of Elders (also known as The Session) held its monthly meeting Tuesday night. Here are the highlights of our meeting.

- We encourage everyone to attend the Summer Servants’ grand finale on September 9th from 11:00 am - 2:30 pm. There will be two mission projects, exciting team activities, and fellowship time with fun outdoor activities for all ages! Lunch provided by Growing as Disciples.

- There are two new Eagle Scout projects upcoming around our church. The first is repairs of the retaining wall and benches by the arbor near the northeast corner of our building. The other is installing a Memorial Garden that includes the removal of the hedge row near Raymond Drive by the parking lot. Our church has supported the Scouting programs for many years as part of the mission efforts and we love their work around our property.

- Growing as Disciples will have “Better Together” sessions again for six Wednesday nights starting October 11 based on Chicken Soup for the Soul.

- We will begin work on the budget for 2024 so all teams should watch for information to come soon from Finance.

- Kalina Waszak has agreed to fill in as a temporary Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator until we can fill the Director position. The Children/Youth programming is planned to start the week of September 17. If you are interested in volunteering in either of these ministries, please reach out to Kalina!

2023 Session: Tom Barto, Bob Carr, Brian Gilbert, Rich Gorecki, Paula Hebert, Bill King, Christy Palangattil, Kalina Waszak.

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