Dear friends -
On this Friday of election week, we sit with ambiguity in a way in which not all of us are comfortable. What is most clear is how narrowly and deeply divided we are in our vote, even within our faith community. What doesn't get a vote one way or another is our call as people of faith - to kindness and generosity, to growing in love and service, to humility and grace, to putting others first and caring most for those with no or little privilege, power, and esteem. We will vote for that every. single. day. We vote with how we treat one another. We vote with our actions. We vote with how we use our money. And so in a time when we are potentially very divided in our opinions on who is best to lead the country, may we be united in our love in Christ - not in a small, quiet, surface way but in our fierce and loving action on behalf of others. What are you doing today to foster light in the world? What are you doing to create community and share with others? These are what will see us through, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace,