Dear friends –
Today I’m giving special thanks for our parish associates at River Glen. You may not realize this but both Pastor Barbara and Pastor Michael as well as other parish associates who have served at River Glen do so without financial compensation – giving their time either in retirement or beyond other full time work.
After a leave of absence, Pastor Michael has let personnel know that he is officially resigning as parish associate. We are thankful for his ministry through River Glen through worship leadership and participation in congregational life over the last year and half as well as previous years Michael served as parish associate. If we were in normal times, we would celebrate and give thanks in person; there would be hugs and speeches and cake. Instead, we prayed over Michael in the Personnel team zoom and gave well-wishes on behalf of the congregation.
If you would like to pass on your gratitude personally, you’re welcome to mail or email your cards and notes to the church office. We’ll gather them, and send them off in one big card party.
Giving thanks,