Dear friends -
As I write this, I have so many tabs open - weather, a packing list on google keep, Enterprise for the rental car - because tomorrow we are Sisseton-bound! Sisseton, South Dakota, is a Lakota/Dakota Native American tribe community with whom the Presbytery of Chicago has had a long connection. We will partner with one of the Native American churches in town to help host VBS for two churches for about 25 kiddos.
I'm especially looking forward to reconnecting to the community and deepening friendships that were already forming from our 2019 trip. There are four churches from the Presbytery partnering with us, so I look forward to those connections as well. Sisseton is one of the few service trips that truly includes all ages, so we're excited to have an over 6-decade age span with the four of us traveling - thanks in advance for your prayers and support. Some of the best fruit of mission trips is deepening faith when we step away from our usual schedules and make space as well as depend even more fully on Jesus - I can't wait to experience God and make Jesus known.
Grace and peace,