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A Word From Your Session - Oct 27,2023

River Glen Session

Here are the Top 5 highlights from our Session meeting on Tuesday night. Feel free to contact the Session members listed below with any questions.

  • A reminder that there is a Special Meeting of the Congregation of River Glen on Sunday, November 12. Our Nominating Committee is excited to present candidates for the next classes of Elders and Deacons.

  • The Transitional Pastor Search team is working through final details for a 3-month, renewable agreement for a Gap/Bridge Pastor while also continuing the search for a qualified Transitional Pastor candidate. We are exploring some new and innovative methods to find candidates both using the CLC (Church Leadership Connection) matching system, and means outside of it.

  • Session approved an expenditure to convert the lights in our parking lot to LED which is offset by rebates, will reduce our electricity bill, and reduce replacement costs of current lights, providing a significant return on investment.

  • The children decided to support Heifer International and purchase animals using their Change for Change collections and an allocation from the Serving Outside Our Doors team. They are excited to use the money for HI to purchase a Milk Menagerie ($1000), Dream Baskets ($240), Earth Gift Baskets ($120), Honey Bees ($60), a flock of chicks ($40), and a flock of ducks ($40).

  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Great work by Kalina and Matt Waszak to update our church's Facebook business page and group with administrative rights so we can improve our social media presence. More work is yet to come on this initiative but “Like” us on these platforms to increase our visibility and follow the exciting things happening at River Glen.

2023 Session: Tom Barto, Bob Carr, Brian Gilbert, Rich Gorecki, Paula Hebert, Bill King, Christy Palangattil, Kalina Waszak.

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